Ryan and Trista Sutter Clear Up Separation Rumors After His Cryptic Instagram Posts

Ryan Sutter didn’t mean to start a whole “Ryan and Trista separation” discourse when he posted those cryptic messages to Instagram about his seemingly absent wife. At least, that’s according to Trista Sutter, who explained in an Instagram post of her own that Ryan was simply trying to reach out to her, personally, in his own way.

In Ryan’s mid-May posts, he wrote things like, “I really wish I could talk to you. Ask you how you’re doing? How was your day. I’d really like to hear your voice – just for a minute,” and, “They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder. I can think of only a handful of days I have not, at minimum, spoken to this incredible woman,” leading some observers to believe that the Bachelorette couple’s marriage was on the rocks at best, or that Trista had somehow gone missing at worst.

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Finally, on May 25, Trista posted to (a) assure followers that she is safe and sound and still in love and (b) address the breakup rumors. “Geez people. Can’t a girl have a nervous breakdown/trial separation/midlife crisis/death/divorce in peace around here?! 😜🤣,” she joked at the top of her Instagram caption, which accompanied a family photo of the couple and their two kids on the beach. “An opportunity for perspective and personal growth presented itself and with the unconditional support of my family and friends, I chose myself and betterment, knowing that my stay-at-home-mom job and my kids end-of-the-school-year needs were in the best, most capable hands,” she continued. “My stoic husband who usually chooses privacy over posting, decided to share his love for me in messages that would find me in my travels,” Trista said, explaining that she and Ryan use Instagram like a “digital diary,” and didn’t expect the posts to get as much attention as they did.

Which, I guess, means that Ryan and Trista’s trial separation was a success.

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